Life Savers - Self Defense Weapons and Techniques

In this day and age when safety is becoming such a looming issue, it is important that everyone, especially women, should learn basic self defense techniques to protect themselves from predators. The literal meaning of self defense is explanatory, as it means being able to protect one’s self if need be. There are various clubs and classes that you can join where they will teach you tactics that can be implied where necessary to keep you safe, but another way to do that is by getting a basic Self Defense Weapons that can come in handy wherever you are.

These weapons are specifically designed to help you tackle attackers, assaulters, robbers and thieves and escape these scary situations with minimum harm. Most of these tools contain one or two forms of deterrent that will slow down or immobilize your attacker long enough for you to getaway or get help.

Various Types of Self Defense Weapons

The weapon market has evolved in leaps and bounds, and every day there are new inventions being created in self defense for women. There is a tool for every situation according to how and when you want to use it and great care is put into making these tools as handy as possible. Here are some of the most popular forms of self defense tools available in the market:

  • Stun Guns and Tasers:

Originally created for law enforcement, the Taser was the first branded stun gun created. It is a projectile weapon that has extended wires attached to it that can hit someone from a distance as well and deliver a hefty shock to them, causing temporary muscle disruption that can prevent someone from approaching you. Police officers normally use it on dangerous suspects and criminals to neutralize the situation. These self defense guns are now widely manufactured for personal use as well, given their effectiveness and semi-lethal properties.

  • Pepper Spray and Mace:

One of the most common self defense weapons that women use today is pepper sprays. There are hundreds of store varieties and there are many recipes available online for making pepper spray at home as well. Mace is another brand of pepper spray that is commonly used in the West and is incredibly powerful. A well-manufactured pepper spray helps you deter your attacker at a close range; a good spray in the face can cause serious sting and pain as well as temporary blindness that can help you counter-attack them as well as just escape from the situation altogether. There are numerous cleverly disguised options available in pepper spray guns available like a hand-wearable spray gun, two-in-one pepper spray, and stun gun tools as well as pepper spray key chains. These small tools are easy to hide and use when the need be, they are light to carry and easily accessible in panic situations as opposed to bigger weapons.

  • Brass Knuckles and Knuckle Dusters:

Speaking of discreet weapons, there are some options in self defense weapons that can prove incredibly handy if you are in a scary situation. These small weapons are easier to retrieve when one is under stress and they allow the defender to protect themselves long enough to getaway. One of these small weapons are real brass knuckles; they are usually made from other metals like aluminum and steel but are also available in high-quality plastics as well to make them lighter to carry. Knuckle dusters are one of the most ancient weapons to be used in the world; they date back to ancient Rome where they were used by soldiers and gladiators. Additionally, they are widely used as accessories gave their cool and versatile design which makes them quite handy as self defense weapons.  

Other than self defense, there is a genre called fantasy weapons, which are usually collectible items that people like to own as a hobby. That includes replicas of movie props such as Jon Snow’s sword, King Arthur’s Excalibur or this sleek 300 Spartan Sword available in our store at Paknives. These weapons are workable but are mainly kept for show and are more decorated than actual self defense weapons. For people who do not have combat training and cannot use knives or guns to help themselves can choose the stealthier options like pepper spray to protect themselves when venturing outside. Enthusiastic movie buffs can browse through our vast collection and find elegant options of weapons to add to their fantasy weapon showcases. No matter what you might be looking for, we will be sure to have something in store for you that will tickle your fancy.

